We are an international group of educational developers working to introduce professional development for Higher Education teachers particularly in institutions where educational development is only an emergent area of practice.


Our team includes:

Dr. Zsuzsa Kovács, Dr. Pusa Nastase and Dr. Mátyás Szabó, Central European University (HU)

Maria Alwén, Dr. Jennifer Lӧfgreen and Dr. Torgny Roxå, Lund University (SE)

Professor Lynn McAlpine, Dr. Agi Simon, Dr. Eszter Simon and Vendula Vespalcová, Masaryk University (CZ)

Dr. Roisín Curran and Ms. Vicky Davies, Staff and Educational Development Association (UK)

Dr. Mari Karm, Dr. Marvi Remmik and Triinu Soommere, University of Tartu (ES)

Alexandra Lešková, Dr. Jaromír Novák, Dr. Ladislav Pasiar and Dr. Gabriela Pleschová, University of Economics in Bratislava (SK)



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