Enhancing university teaching and learning in Central Europe. A conference. Brno, 21 February 2019



Gabriela PLESCHOVÁ, Agnes SIMON, University of Economics in Bratislava, Masaryk University

Gyöngyvér MOLNÁR, SZTE Institute of Education

Michal KRČÁL, Faculty of Economics and Administration, MUNI

Daniela JAKLOVÁ STŘIHAVKOVÁ, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University

Petra KRŇANOVÁ, Department of IR & ES, Masaryk University

Iwona MACIEJOWSKA, Jagiellionian University in Krakow

Hana NAVRÁTILOVÁ, prof. Hana LUKÁŠOVÁ, Faculty of Humanities at Tomas Bata University in Zlín

Veronika NEKOLOVÁ, Peter FILO, University of Economics in Bratislava

Alica RÉTIOVÁ, Department of Sociology, Masaryk University

Agnes SIMON, Masaryk University

Matěj ŠKOP, Masaryk University

Matyas SZABO, Central European University

Jeffrey A. VANDERZIEL, Ingrid ČEJKOVÁ, Petr SUCHÁČEK, Pedagogical Competence Development Center, Masaryk University 


Multiplier event of an international collaborative project Erasmus+ Strategic partnerships

21 February 2019, Masaryk University, Faculty of Social Studies, auditorium, 10:00-17:00

Purpose of the conference

  • to present the curriculum and outcomes of the teacher development course for doctoral students from Masaryk University and University of Economics in Bratislava
  • to discuss, evaluate and bridge initiatives in Central Europe aiming at professionalization of academics as teachers in higher education


Conference program

Part 1: Teacher development course for doctoral students from Masaryk University and University of Economics in Bratislava. Results from an international collaborative project Erasmus+

9:45 – 10:00: Registration and coffee/tea

10:00 – 10:10: Welcome and opening address

Markéta Pitrová, Masaryk University, Vice-rector for development

10:10 – 10:40: Learning-centred and reflective teaching. From theory to good practice. Course curriculum, outcomes and the book presenting teaching innovations

Gabriela Pleschová, University of Economics in Bratislava, Agnes Simon, Masaryk University, course leaders

10:40 – 11:15: Examples of classes innovated as part of the course. Teachers’ view Michal Krčál, Alica Rétiová and Daniela Jaklová Střihavková, Masaryk University, course participants

11:15 – 11:30:  discussion

11:30 – 11:45:  coffee/tea break

11:45 – 12:00:  Helping beginner teachers to innovate. Coaches’ experience

Mátyás Szabó, Central European University, manager at the Yehuda Elkana Center for Higher Education

12:00 – 12:15: What does good teaching and learning look like? Student perspective Petra Krňanová, Xenia Gruzdeva and Matěj Škop, Masaryk University, students

12:15 – 12:30: discussion

12:30 – 13:15: lunch

Poster session to display educational development courses at universities in Central Europe       


Part 2: Advancing educational development in Central Europe. Presentations of existing initiatives, courses and their outcomes

13:15 – 13:30: Digital University of Ljubljana. Brane Leskošek, University of Ljubljana, Department of Educational Sciences

13:30 – 13:45: Educational Development Initiatives at the University of Szeged: Technology, Assessment and Innovative Teaching Methods. Gyӧngyvér Molnár, University of Szeged, Institute of Education

13:45 – 14:00: Continuous professional development of university teaching staff at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. Challenges and achievements. Iwona Maciejowska, Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Chemistry

14:00 – 14:25: discussion

14:25 – 14:40: coffee/tea break

14:40 – 14:55: Center for Teaching Excellence: Origins and Future Potential. Jeff Vanderziel, Petr Sucháček, Ingrid Čejková, Masaryk University, CERPEK

14:55 – 15:10: Creative Way of Transforming Your Teaching Style: Presentation of the Concept of Tertiary Didactics at the FHS TBU in Zlín. Hana Lukášová, Hana Navrátilová, Tomáš Baťa University in Zlín, Department of School Education

15:10 – 15:25: Project-based learning and design thinking. Workshops for university teachers. Veronika Nekolová, M. A. Jurkovičová and Peter Filo, Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave

15:25 – 15:50: discussion

15:50 – 16:50: Professionalising university teaching in Central Europe

Discussion to consider a proposal for establishing an educational development association

16:50 – 17:00: Conclusions and depart


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